Fitness & Vanities

Exercising Differently As A Pathway to Happiness


plank-1327256_960_720We all know by now that exercising boosts the happy chemical endorphin. But because our brain quickly adapts to routine, doing the same thing over and over can lead to exercise boredom.

The solution is simple and fun: exercise differently for the next 45 days 😀

I am currently reading Habits of A Happy Brain by Dr. Loretta Graziano Breuning, and in it Dr. Breuning says that we can end up overdoing a happy habit to the point of unhappiness. Varying our exercise routine is a good way to trigger endorphin.

To quote the book: “It takes strain to trigger endorphin, and if you keep straining the same place, you risk injury.  If you work new places with new exercise, moderate exertion can stimulate endorphin.”

When I read this I immediately thought to replace my usual HIIT/strength combo exercises with early morning jogs followed by Pilates.  I exercise indoors so early morning jogs would take me out of the house and – is there really anything more uplifting than to be under a wide open sky at the start of one’s day? 💖 💖


However, I will have to do this new exercise consistently for 45 days.  I can’t see myself jogging on a rainy day.  And since I can only jog in the mornings, this new exercise would prove quite tricky to navigate once my daughter goes back to school again and mornings become busy 😨 😥

As for Pilates, this was an easy choice since I’ve always enjoyed working on my flexibility and balance. In addition, who doesn’t want a tight core and butt? 💖 💖 XD

But going back to what Dr. Breuning further says on the topic: “Your body has three layers of muscles. When you vary your exercise, you give the neglected, constricted layers more attention.  Since they’re weak, they have to work harder, so you stimulate development where it’s needed instead of going overboard on the parts you overuse.  Chasing an endorphin high is not worth the risk of wearing out a part and needing a parts replacement. Variety is a great alternative.”

I didn’t need any more convincing after reading that! 😀 👏

So the next 6 weeks are going to be dedicated to Pilates and some type of cardio that’s different from what I normally do.  I’ll be putting my free weights on standby for now 😭 😭  😭 and hopefully my appetite won’t be as high as when I do HIITs to compensate for the decrease in intensity.


How about you? When was the last time you varied your exercise routine? Any fun cardio suggestions? 😀

36 thoughts on “Exercising Differently As A Pathway to Happiness”

  1. working out’s always been a challenge for me. I have to do low impact because of my back and have to be very careful in general. I do like yoga, however, and swimming (alas, I can’t swim over here because the chlorine levels are way, way too high in the local pools and I’m not a strong enough swimmer to attempt the rivers around here – not to mention I’m squicky at the idea of the creepy-crawleys in that lol).
    Hubby and I just got Pokémon Go and have been walking a lot. Maybe something to do with the kiddo, if the game is out yet in your part of the world?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh thanks for suggesting this 🙂 I just read up about it and it seems like a lot of fun. Just not sure if there are enough Pokemons to capture around here but it sure sounds like THE excuse to go for a walk 🙂 Will definitely be discussing it tonight at the dinner table 🙂 Thanks a lot, Karin ❤ ❤


      1. You’re welcome. Just make sure it’s been officially released where you’re at, there’s malware versions out in countries that haven’t released officially yet

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  2. Good for you. It actually makes a lot of sense to vary things. I must admit that now that the kids are back at school I’m looking forward to getting back into some fun exercises and zumba routines.

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  3. That video was just brilliant! :-D. I recently started yoga again. Unfortunately class is only at 6:30am, and i’m so not a morning person.. So, probably will stop going. Am thinking now for other options at a reasonable timing. Let’s see if i can find yoga class in evening.

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  4. I started doing power yoga to help my achy back. But it didn’t help. My physical therapist told me the downward dogs keep straining my bulging disc. So now I’m walking (like literally right now) at a slow pace at high incline. It’s not as fulfilling as a tough workout, but at least it’s something! And I can read blogs during it!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Yes! I found I HAD to vary my exercise routine because I was starting to develop injuries. My “old” bones just could not handle doing the same thing every day. So, I use a variety of exercise types: muscle training, Tabata, high impact aerobics, low impact/HIIT aerobics, and yoga. Something different every day, 5 days a week, over a 2-3 week period. Yep, it gets me going, and keeps me going. And, all I have to do is get motivated to do my 20 minutes a day. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m really glad I came across this research too because otherwise my initial reaction to injury would be to stop/rest. I hadn’t even realized you can PREVENT injury through variety 🙂 Thanks for dropping by! ❤ ❤

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  6. Wow, that video bought back lots of cardio memories (not all good, ha ha). The leotards uuughhh! I must investigate Pokemon Go as I confess I haven’t heard about it. I am having a lot of trouble getting out of the house at the moment as it is a cold miserable wet winter in Melbourne. Thank you for the ideas.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re welcome, Barbara 🙂 I just heard on CNN last night that a major concern for Pokemon Go is safety. You can get so engrossed in the game that you completely forget your surroundings! But it is something I can see myself doing with my family – a fun excuse to go for a walk! 🙂 Have to check first if it will work in my part of Indonesia though. Thanks so much for dropping by ❤ ❤


  7. Ooooh this is good! I do a somewhat similar routine weekly – I’m an avid runner & also do a combination of Egoscue (sort of a mix between yoga and physical therapy) and weight type training. It’s different enough that I don’t fully fall into a routine, and still it’s not awesome. I’ll have to think about it. Thank you for this post!! Blessings. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey Debbie 🙂 ❤ I think the idea is to immerse yourself in just one type of exercise for 45 days. And then go back to your old form, or try a new one for another 45 days after that. That way all muscle groups are hit.

      It's not as simple as it sounds because my old training style was also a little bit of everything! 🙂 But I'm sure I haven't done enough Pilates at least so I'm focusing on that right now. And what I'd give to take up running! 🙂

      Thanks so much for visiting ❤ ❤

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  8. Have you tried Blogilates with Cassey Ho? You can find her videos on YouTube and if you subscribe to her newsletter (it’s free) you’ll get a monthly calendar with the daily suggested workouts 🙂
    Have fun 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yes! I started my fitness journey about 4 years ago with Cassey 🙂 I will definitely use some of her videos. Thanks so much for the reminder ❤ 😀

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    1. There is comfort in routine and, if it’s still fun and effective why change the formula? 🙂 I say consistency is fickle so we gotta please her before anything else! LOL! XD

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  9. I really enjoyed reading this. I want to start doing more exercise as part of an effort to be generally happier and you’ve inspired me to vary it up a bit and try all sorts of different things! Thanks!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww, that is so nice to hear, thanks! ❤ 🙂 ❤ I'm glad to have given you some motivation.

      There are many options out there and you can make it fun 🙂 Best of luck! ❤

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  10. Love the quotes and advice that drew you to write this post and try something new. I haven’t done the same exercise once in the last 30 days and I definitely notice improvement in areas I didn’t expect. Lovely write up. Thanks for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

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