
Demystifying (Polyester) Yarn

So last week I was agog over polyester yarn I found locally and asked fellow yarn addicts what I could make with it. (I’m not familiar with yarn yet and have only ever worked with types of cotton and acrylic yarns).

Here’s what I found out about polyester yarn:

From mad-made or natural polymers (like Petroleum and some Plant Cuticles). Polyester is largely stretch and shrink resistant, and provides excellent protection against wind and rain. It will however melt or even ignite when exposed to a heat source! Polyester yarns are good for outer wear, outdoor projects, and slippers.

The fact that it comes from Petroleum did turn me off a bit but I’m past that now and have decided to make this bag with it:


tutorial here

I think the bag’s a good choice considering the polyester yarn feels sturdy, yet smooth and pliable at the same time.

I’m still deciding whether to go for a single color or to do a combo.  A single color bag would go with virtually any color outfit you have, while one done in a combo of colors might need more planning 🙂 And I always have this bias for anything grab-n-go that won’t make me look like a fashion disaster by the time I step out the door! XD XD

Meantime, I’ll leave you with this interesting vid about yarn materials and fibers – I hope you find it useful:

Create happy! 🙂

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