Monthly Reviews & Blog Updates

One Lovely Blog Award


It must be awards season! Yay!– a conclusion I am happy to jump at due to this 3rd award I am blessed with this month.  Squeal! XD

I think awards are great. The person who did the nomination could have picked so many others and yet something about me/my blog made enough impact to have earned me a spot on their list. Now that’s something to smile about 😀

Thank you so much beautiful Erin (Erin and Sky) and Emma (Emma’s Craft Projects) for this nomination ❤

The rules are as follows:

  1. Thank the person that nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
  2. List the rules.
  3. Display the award on your post of the award.
  4. List seven facts about yourself.
  5. Nominate 15 bloggers for this award and comment on one of their posts to let them know you have nominated them.

7 Facts About Me:

  1. I am usually stumped whenever asked to list facts about myself XD XD But here we go …
  2. I love wide open spaces. On most evenings I can be found on our terrace just looking up and contemplating life.
  3.  I collect taxes from my villagers every day.
  4.  Once in my previous (working) life I foiled a team-building plan by declaring to my boss’ face that anything work related done on a weekend was “blasphemy” and that there was a very high chance I’d be “conveniently sick”. (Yeah, I can be such a wet towel at times. LOL!)
  5. I am obsessed with my hair because it’s never been the same, luxurious mane ever since I gave birth. (I try not to be too obvious about it but now you’re in on it too).
  6. My dad gave me the nickname “Paardje”.
  7.  I don’t like fruit unless it’s with something – chocolate, peanut butter, whipped cream …

And now for my nominees – lovelies, you are not required to pass on the award. I’m nominating you because I genuinely think that yours is ONE LOVELY BLOG 🙂 🙂 🙂

  1.  My Messy World
  2.  Side By Side
  3.  My Time Stitching
  4.  BeKitschig
  5.  Thoughts Of A Trainwrecked Pineapple
  6.  Les & More
  7.  I Am Sara, See Me Rawr!
  8.  Writeful Mind
  9.  DebWasHere
  10.  BrewNSpew
  11.  An Orchid’s View
  12.  A Charmed Life
  13.  The World In My Words
  14.  Koko Boocro
  15.  Just Me Actually

Enjoy your weekends, everyone.  Keep safe! ❤

27 thoughts on “One Lovely Blog Award”

  1. Congratulations on your award!,And thank you for the nomination. I completely understand the team building point. If it’s so important, why do it on the weekend? My official day off?:-)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hahahaha! XD Exactly, right?! But I just LOVED the look of surprise on my boss’ face, and my colleagues giggling at my choice of word … and at my guts too, honestly ;-P

      Liked by 1 person

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