Fitness & Vanities

Flat Belly Made Easier πŸ˜‰

Happy Monday beautiful people! ☺️

Sometimes (because most times I use musicπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒ), when I need to get myself motivated to exercise, I scour the net for nutrition or fitness infographics. A few days ago I found this and thought you’d find it interesting too – might not be new information but a little reminder can’t hurt, right? ❀️ πŸ˜€

Oh and, I’m all for the dark chocolate advice. You too?! XD XD

Have a strong start to your week, peeps!


Fitness & Vanities

Something New In My Exercise Department



Hello everyone πŸ™‚ Happy Lunar New Year!

For this Monday’s fitness post I’d like to share about something new I’ve taken on to shake up my home exercise routine.

As you probably know by now I’ve been doing mostly cardio from Zumba and Dance Fitness. Lately though I’ve been feeling the need to level up by way of taking on a structured strength training program.

A good structured training program ensures you’re doing the right amount of the right things in the right order and frequency. I like that it gives you focus, and the satisfaction of completing one is motivating.

And so last week I finally purchased and started one from my favorite online trainers Kelli and Daniel of Fitness Blender.



As a home exerciser, Fitness Blender has been and still is my go-to for online workout videos that are effective without doubt. The videos are 100% free on YouTube and they even teach you how to create a program for yourself here and here.

However, if like me you want the pros to take care of that for you, then purchasing one of their structured workout programs is a great way to go. (And it’s not even expensive, by the way).

Although Fitness Blender programs are mostly drawn up for 5 days a week, I still wanted room to do my body rolls and twerks XD (We gotta keep it fun, right?!) Good thing they have the 8-Week Maintenance/Cross-Training program which only requires doing their workouts 3 days a week.

And so since last week I’ve been on the program and it’s been great. I have all bases covered as far as working out all muscle groups are concerned and I still have room for variety πŸ™‚

How about you, what’s new in your exercise department?

Fitness & Vanities

Becoming Smarter At Losing Weight


I registered 68 kilos on the scale for 2 days in a row – so I’m claiming that as true. That’s 4 kilos down from when I started at 72 kilos last November.

Yay! πŸ˜€

I don’t really have a problem with my weight since I’m 5’8″ tall and with an athletic frame – but I’ve always wanted to be slimmer. I figured now was the perfect time, while being a SAHM, to really focus on it.

Here are 3 basics that are really working for me this time:

1. Not relying on exercise to lose weight.

Exercise is the fountain of youth. In terms of aesthetics, it’s what makes our bodies look bikini-hot as opposed to flabby-thin. But in order to lose weight, it’s still hands-down what and how much we eat that truly tips the scales. (I wish I realized this a year ago).

Getting clear on this saves me from being complacent about my eating habits and deluding myself into thinking I can always “burn it off with a workout later”.

2. Finding out my REAL “why”.

Okay so here’s a confession: I’m a bit vain πŸ™„ And it was only last November when I accidentally stumbled upon my REAL why. I was playing some sort of fashion game on my phone when it hit me: I wanted to be slimmer because for me that would make it more fun to dress up. Apparently, all the health benefits I could recite at the bat of an eyelash weren’t the real motivators. It was the pleasure of having fun dressing up. Eureka!

Totally superficial, I agree but hey, it continues to light my fire. I’ve been able to stick to my eating plan and having more fun exercising since I embraced this [superficial] truth πŸ˜€

3. Focusing on sustainable behavior changes – not on quick fixes.

In my experience diets only work while you’re “on”them. The radical changes that diets require are often not sustainable long term and only teaches dependency.

I’d rather expend my time and efforts on making lasting behavior changes. Small but consistent steps like, only drinking water (and my morning cuppa!) will add up over time.

A lot of my friends right now are taking this weight-loss tea … but I honestly don’t see any weight coming off. (And they’re waking up at 3AM and have no idea why). Worse, they continue to eat as before thinking the weight-loss tea will do all the work! I don’t think it’s smart to be dependent on a diet “crutch” to loose weight safely and for the long haul.

this image found here

I was happy to observe that I did not gain weight over the holidays with this new approach. I also do not feel unhappy or constrained. My workouts have become more fun because the objective and expectation to lose weight through activity is no longer there. I’m making it my goal to land at an ideal weight and physique comfortably and safely – and for good.

Fitness & Vanities

Why I’m Teaching Myself to Granny Swag … On Some Days

thoughtfulIt started with mild headaches every morning upon waking up, difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep, sneezing and snotty most mornings, and being unbecomingly irritable.

I still enjoyed working out, denying my brain’s yearning for a change. I’d get myself going because it was a set morning routine and I never explored alternatives.

It took me a while to see it for what it was since, truly, an hour of HIIT and/or strength a day can’t wreak that much havoc?! (My pride is wounded and indignant). But how about having to recline on the sofa, or bed, for virtually the rest of the day because I no longer had much energy. I even lost interest in going out and seeing friends or treating myself to a day of window shopping like I used to because, the thought alone was already wearing me out.

And the increased appetite, holy cow like, this gnawing ravenous churning in my gut every 2 hours?!

But I was still in denial – I thought I was enjoying it. I was looking sharp in my colorful tops and skimpy workout shorts, I chose my workouts myself and truly felt I was making progress. Until one day when my undergarments told me otherwise. Dang! I got out a pair of jeans and holy cow, hi there muffin top! I remember being so dismayed and frantically wringing my hands and pacing my room. What is happening?

Exercise burnout.

For me it started mentally – wanting to do something else for exercise and silently protesting that I could use a break. And then physically – I could still feel my sore muscles 2-3 days after the exercise, despite having done that exercise a few times before already. Plus the symptoms mentioned above.

So I’ve been taking a break this week and I’m happy to report that I’ve been sleeping much better. As a matter of fact, I have such deep sleep that I have no doubt my body is recuperating.Β  And I’m back to setting gab-dates with my besties πŸ™‚

Meanwhile, I do the granny swag on some days.Β  I’m painfully terrible at it. But it gets me laughing while feeling the swag πŸ˜‰