Feel-Good Fridays

Laugh. Intentionally.


Last weekend, along with the rest of the world, I sat shocked and grieving in front of the TV listening to news reports of the terrorist attacks on Paris. My heart was heavy. My throat felt constricted. No words were spoken, but my small household was depressed.

In an unconscious effort to experience some emotional relief & diversion, I channel-surfed and came across the movie Nacho Libre starring Jack Black.

The sunny scenery, the innocent theme song and the peaceful setting of an orphanage in Oaxaca, Mexico quickly drew me in and became the diversion I was seeking. Before long “Ignacio’s” and “Esqueleto’santics had me laughing out loud. Hearing me, my husband and daughter joined me on the sofa and started enjoying the film too.

And just like that we could all breathe easy again.

This week’s feel-good Friday post will be just a short reminder for all of us of the gift of laughter.

It costs nothing but gives so much, to ourselves and the people we share it with. It does not erase whatever we might be grieving for, but it gives us lightness and healing.


They say a day without laughter is a day wasted.  Make your soul dance and schedule time to laugh out loud now. It can be as simple as watching a funny movie ❤


Written for Writeful Mind’s Feel-Good Friday blogging challenge.
