
There Lies Adam

knitting WIP

Adam is 92% finished ⭐

But needs to be unraveled 😢 😢

I know!

And I was SO looking forward to beginning a new knitting project!

I am working on the neck portion now and asked the husband to do a fitting last night. Everything else fit (beautifully, I might add), except the underarm portion 😤 😤

Adam follows the pattern Joukahainen and is a pdf download from Ravelry. See the hot  stuff here:


It is a raglan sleeved sweater worked from bottom to top, so I don’t think there was any way to have done an earlier fitting that would have properly exposed the tight underarm portion.

I’ve been racking my brains for ways to salvage the project. But since stitch count influences the tapering of the raglan sleeves, which in turn affects length of the yoke portion, short of claiming Adam for myself, I see no other plausible option but to unravel, add more stitches and just basically start from stitch zero.

I’m a little teapot short and stout! Here is my handle and here is my spout! When the water’s boiling hear me shout …

My husband really likes Adam though and I don’t want to claim it for myself because I already have Eve.

Tip the handle and pour me out!

Allez – I am going to put on my big girl panties and unravel the thing and start from the very beginning.

What is worth doing is worth doing well! ~ says Paardje ❤

But maybe not today. Today I deserve CHOCOLATE! 😉

So meanwhile let me regale you with a photo of bat droppings in my beloved reflection place (but they obviously weren’t partying hard last night):

bat droppings

You do know I like to tease you, right? 🤣 ✌️🏻 ✌️🏻


3 Day Quote Challenge: Day 3

It’s day 3, and the final entry for this challenge 🙂 In true TGIF fashion I’ve chosen to highlight my love for the silly and humorous today and for me no other ‘thing’ (or group of things?) embodies this better than The Minions ❤ ❤


So please excuse me if I wallow in the shallow for this post – it’s all for a good laugh or, at least the promise of a smile on your face 😀

found on
found on

There are tonnes of funny Minion quotes out there I truly had trouble choosing. But the ones in this post also give you a glimpse into my personality so I think I’m good 😛

found on

Feel free to give me a link in the comments section to your favorite Minions quote if you have one 🙂 ❤

Finally, the 3 blogger-friends I pass this challenge on to are:

Shirley of

Lindsay of LetterstoDutch

Lara of ArtByAnnabellaboobop

The rules of this challenge:

  1. Thank the person who invited you to join
  2. Post 1 or 3 quotes for 3 consecutive days
  3. Choose 3 other bloggers to share the love

And that is it for me today! 😀

Have a great weekend, y’all! ❤ ❤ ❤

Share Your World

Share Your World 2016 #15


Name one thing not many people know about you.

Not many people know that I am an introvert. Apparently, I come across as a gregarious, smiley, bubbly person. So when I tell them I have a bias for solitary activities, or that groups and crowds (and even loud, aggressive people) drain me, it’s more often a surprise to them than not.

If a distant uncle dies and you were always his favorite and leaves you $50,000 (any currency) in his will, what would you do?

Make that money grow through day trading and with its earnings fly off to Hobbiton and pretend that I’m a Sindarin Elf (mayhaps Tauriel) visiting The Shire 😎 😎

Where do you hide junk when people come over?

Hmmm … I usually don’t have junk because I like to tidy and organize. But if it so happens that there’s some when you come over then just don’t mind it 🙂 A little random disorganization is sexy 😉

Complete this sentence:  I want to learn more about …

Crocheting clothes, especially shaping. And Irish crochet. And cooking. And lots of other random stuff.

Bonus question:  What are you grateful for from last week ~

I am always grateful that my family is together and that we’re healthy and safe.I’m also grateful the rains have started to come back 🙂

Rainy days remind me of when I still used to work and would wish I was cozy at home instead XD In other words, rainy days make me feel grateful I am able to stay at home 😀

And of course, this 🙂

~ and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up? 

Finishing crochet WIPs so I can move on to other projects 🙂 I’m specifically looking forward to buying more of that local polyester yarn for some colorwork projects I have in mind. And some cherry pie with coffee …. mmmmmmm ❤ ❤ ❤


~ oOo ~


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~ oOo ~

Hobbiton image found on

Share Your World

Share Your World 2016 #12

by the sea

Wanting something to quench your thirst, what would you drink?

Plain water. Ice cold, since Indonesia is so hot! XD

What made you feel good this past week?

Losing a little more weight and seeing more muscle tone through consistent exercise 😀 😀

When you’re alone at home, do you wear shoes, socks, slippers, or go barefoot?

50% slippers, 50% barefoot. Because it’s just so hot! XD XD

Would you rather live where it is always hot or always cold?

Whaaaa?!? It’s like I had this question coming XD Well, how hot and how cold? XD

Okay seriously, I think I’d lean towards hot because I love sunny days.

Bonus question:  What are you grateful for from last week ~

I’m still feeling very grateful for this.

~ and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?

It’s gonna be April – we’re inching closer to a much anticipated short trip we’re taking by month-end. (Yay!)  I’d tell you all about it but not right now, I might jinx it. LOL! 😉

~ oOo~

Written for


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~ oOo ~

Share Your World

Share Your World 2015 Week 50

beach hutFavorite thing to photograph? Write? Or Cook?

Photograph = nature and outdoors. Although I only yet photograph with my iPhone, I hope I can buy myself a decent camera for Christmas because I’d really like to tote one around and call it official 😀

Write = meanderings of my mind. It helps me put things in perspective.

Cook = anything quick and which only requires boiled water XD

Did you like swinging as a child? Do you still get excited when you see a swing? 

You know, come to think of it I have yet to find a swing that is empty upon sight but is not broken 😐 Until now. Or when it’s empty and not broken you most likely have another child/adult racing against you to get to it first. And of course, the other child/adult gets to it first because I’m just gracious like that (read: grrrrr!).

Anyhoot, when I was a child, I sure loved to swing, but! There would always be a line or some pecking order to observe that would be too much for my impatient nature. To the slides then …

(You can you see how swings are kinda traumatic for me here) XD

What has surprised you about blogging?

The fact that the more I put myself out there the more ‘likes’ and followers I get 😀 I’ve been reading some old posts of mine and it’s remarkable how more open I am at this point than from when I started. The more genuine, the more ‘me’ I am (which I initially thought wasn’t really that interesting) the warmer the reception ❤

List at least five favorite desserts.

  1. Chocolate. Let’s make it dark for a healthier option 🙂
  2. Cheesecake.
  3. Ice cream.
  4. A blended coffee drink. Preferably with chocolate chips & a thick foam of whipped cream.
  5. Apple pie or strudel.

What are you grateful for from last week ~

Hugs and tickle fights ❤

and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?

Another trip to Malaysia 😀 I really hope we can see some sights this time. It’s another business trip for the hubs but we’re talking about a possible extension so we can roam about. I’ll let you know! 🙂


Click on the badge to learn more about this fun blog challenge 🙂


Share Your World

Share Your World 2015 Week 45

curious blossoms in my garden 🙂

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word “fun”?

Noisy thunderstorms and a hot mug of chocolate ❤

What is your favorite time of day?

Early morning, when everything is still so fresh, new and promising.  I’m usually the first one up so I really enjoy the silence.

Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want to have a evening with?

Ellen DeGeneres.  I think she’d make really fun company 🙂

And if she’s not available, Caleb from The Fitness Marshall is a close second choice.  Have you seen this guy dance? The energy! The swag! I’m sure we’ll have a riot of an evening too XD

Complete this sentence: Something that anyone can do that will guarantee my smile is… 

Crazy dancing! 🙂 This here’s a favorite –

What are you grateful for from last week ~

We just had a wonderful weekend in Singapore (which I plan to blog about sometime this week) 😀 Such fun!

~ and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?

Going to the salon for a fresh coat of hair color 😉

041514 sywbanner

Fitness & Vanities

About My Crazy Quest to Do The Wheel Pose + A Question To All Reading This Post

I realize of course that as an absolute yoga neophyte I still have lifetimes to go before I can perform the full yoga wheel pose … beautifully.  I get near-discouraged at times, especially when I had a picture of myself taken and saw that my elbows were bending outwards and my legs & arms were far, far from straight 😐

I guess that’s the thing with beginners, we’re so idealistic!

But not to be sidetracked, I stepped back and dove deep into YouTube for some very beginner, preparatory exercises, and now feel more hopeful about this ‘quest’ 🙂

These I am gonna try this week:

I’d like to learn from you guys reading this post, help me out:  Have you ever taken on any fitness challenges in the past?  How did you keep yourself motivated?  And did you reach your goal? How or, why not?  How long did it take?